
Main Thread Review

The MainThread, the UIThread, in android.

These services can create an ActivityThread by ActivityThread.systemMain() and get the system context by ActivityThread#systemMain() .





Here we focus on SystemServer , as it create the ActivityThread and prepare the main Looper in the process of launching an application and creating the associated main thread, in the SystemServer#run().

So the main thread of an application, and its main looper are created by the SystemServer, within the same process of the SystemServer, by ActivityThread.systemMain() and Looper.prepareMainLooper() .

I got some beautiful figures to explain.

The process from launching an app to create UI thread and main Looper, where SystemServer and ActivityThread are important roles to know.

The process from launching an app to create UI thread and main Looper, where SystemServer and ActivityThread are important roles to know.

How to update UI from other thread using Handler mechanism.

How to update UI from other thread using Handler mechanism.

👆Learned from this blog: Android的消息處理機制(圖+源碼分析)——Looper,Handler,Message.

Methods to execute something in a background thread.

Methods to execute something in a background thread.

/Note/ /Android/ /Thread/ /UI/